Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Tower of Light

The Tower of Light is a tall, brilliant white concrete structure that can be seen from kilometers away. The intended reason for the structure was so that people can find there way when lost. West campus, where the building stands, was originally the show grounds for the Rand Easter Festival, or Milner Park Argricultural Show, as it was known in the 1930's.

Cable car rides left from the first floor of the building and headed north overlooking the showgrounds and then returned to the tower. 6 cents a ride and 3 for children and it wasn't anywhere near Gold Reef City. Althought you never knew with the technology in the 30's.... quite risky.

Today you can visit the building which surrounds the sports arena on west campus. Renovations have been done and there is a tuck shop occupying the ground floor and the security office for Wits on the first. You can climb the tiny ladder which runs up inside the tower, taking you to the top which is approximatly 9 stories above ground level. But you'd have to get past the guards first...


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